Michael’s Success Story
One of Bethel’s students who was adopted to the United Statues, Michael (Hongfa), has launched his own podcast. We’d like to support him and thought it would be great to end on his updated story:
"Hello, my name is Michael Munn, and my Chinese name is Hongfa. I am 22 years old, currently I live in this cool city in the state of Georgia called Atlanta. When I was 14 years old, an American family adopted me. I have been in the U.S for eight years now. My hobbies are running, hosting my own podcast, playing musical Instruments, and watching documentaries. I ran three marine corps Marathons in the past. In addition to running, I also host my own podcast. I have a podcast called Michael’s Weekly Perspective. In this show, I talk about matters that are important for me during the week in the Blind Community. Beside the mentioned hobbies above, I am also able to play twelve musical Instruments. I can play Several Chinese Flutes, Percussion instruments, a little bit of Piano, and I am also able to play Western Flute and Piccolo.
Beside my hobbies, I was also continually active in my school before I graduated. While I was in high school, I am a member of my school’s drumline, a member of the Track and Field Team and I was also a member of the student Council. Beside getting active in school, I am also involved with the National Federation of the Blind outside of school. The National Federation of the Blind is an organization that advocates for the needs of Blind peoples in the United States. I was a first board member in the Student Branch within NFB Georgia Affiliate.
In May of this year, I graduated high school. Before I head off to college, I plan to go to a Training Center for the Blind in Minnesota for nine months to learn some more independent living skills. After I finish my training, I plan to go to the University of Minnesota. I want to major in Political Science and minor in U. S History. Once I graduate college, I want to go to Law school.
Currently, I am working in this company called Techvision, and my job is to teach Blind students like me how to effectively utilize their assistive Technologies such as Screen readers on their computer and how to use it effectively with a Refreshable Braille Display."
We are very proud of Michael and look forward to all of his future endeavors. You can find Michael's podcast using this link: