Elliot Elliot

Elliot's Details

Age 8 years old
Hobbies I love stretching when there is some good music!

Sponsor Elliot

About Elliot

Born in January 2014, Elliot arrived at Bethel’s Zhengzhou project in June 2017.  Elliot has CP and developmental delays. He is nonverbal and cannot move very much but we are working on exercises with him to improve his mobility.

His teachers have been slowly working on building up his strength and he can now stand with support! He doesn’t seem to mind tummy time to build core strength as long as there is music on, and his caregivers are happy to comply. He likes being held and he loves tickles.


Elliot's Details

Age 8 years old
Hobbies I love stretching when there is some good music!

Adoption Information

Bethel firmly believes love is the heart of a family, which is why we continue to carry out our mission based on trust in a family unit. While Bethel itself is not an adoption agency, we are committed in advocating for the adoption of all our children in the hopes that their families find them sooner.

More than 150 Bethel children have been adopted into loving homes throughout Bethel’s 15-year history.