Patrick Patrick

Patrick's Details

Age 10 years old
Hobbies I've been told I could be a hair model so I'm going to go with it!

Sponsor Patrick

About Patrick

Patrick is the cutest little boy that could star in a shampoo commercial. He was one of the first children to join Bethel’s Zhengzhou project. He has a beautiful smile and hair that is out of control and gorgeous! Patrick is always ready to greet you with a big smile. He has cerebral palsy and undergoes 2 hours of therapy every day. Although he has been improving a lot, he has a long way to go.

However, he is now walking while holding hands and is jumping! He has a fighting spirit and loves to receive praise for his walking! We are so glad that he is in our care.

Patrick's Details

Age 10 years old
Hobbies I've been told I could be a hair model so I'm going to go with it!

Adoption Information

Bethel firmly believes love is the heart of a family, which is why we continue to carry out our mission based on trust in a family unit. While Bethel itself is not an adoption agency, we are committed in advocating for the adoption of all our children in the hopes that their families find them sooner.

More than 150 Bethel children have been adopted into loving homes throughout Bethel’s 15-year history.