Kenny Kenny

Kenny's Details

Age 9 years old
Hobbies I love soaking up the sun!

Sponsor Kenny

About Kenny

Kenny has made tremendous progress since entering Bethel’s classroom in Zhengzhou. When he first arrived, he couldn’t chew and his nannies had to mash everything in order to feed him. But it wasn’t long before he didn’t need his food mashed or cut into bite-size pieces anymore! Now he even eats on his own and makes us very proud of him!

As soon as class is over he’s always running around the classroom and has even started speaking! Often when our teachers are reading a story, Kenny will repeat after them! When you pick him up he always hugs you tightly and snuggles up to you.

We often find him playing in bright places as he can perceive light. He particularly likes being outside. On bright sunny days, he stares at the sun and smiles, his fingers trying to catch the sunlight. Kenny was born in June 2012.

Kenny's Details

Age 9 years old
Hobbies I love soaking up the sun!

Adoption Information

Bethel firmly believes love is the heart of a family, which is why we continue to carry out our mission based on trust in a family unit. While Bethel itself is not an adoption agency, we are committed in advocating for the adoption of all our children in the hopes that their families find them sooner.

More than 150 Bethel children have been adopted into loving homes throughout Bethel’s 15-year history.